Leading Practices

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Private Sector Practice

Certifying living wage employers to educate and enforce JQ practices: Orange County, California

A local organization the certifies living wage employers, lifting up quality jobs, raising worker awareness and incentivizing business behavior. To qualify as a living wage employer in 2024, a business must pay all regular full- and part-time employees at least $17.65 per hour. They can qualify at a lower rate of $16.15 if they pay at least 50% of the cost of health insurance for those employees.
Government Practice

Employee engagement surveys: Avi, Michigan

A practice of using an agency-wide employee engagement survey to better understand workers and identify areas of improvement, increase retention and improve recruiting.
Government Policy

Education quality outcomes standard to track progress: New Jersey

A policy enacted by New Jersey requiring the publication of an annual Consumer Report Card for publicly funded training providers, using indicators such as employment, wages, financial impact and equity outcomes to assess training quality based on the Education Quality Outcomes Standards (EQOS) to provide additional transparency into program results.
Government Practice

Transition to employee ownership using the Employee Stock Ownership Plan: National

A program by Delta Pipeline that transitioned to 100% employee ownership through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). By offering profit-sharing, career growth and a vested interest in the company's success, Delta Pipeline empowers employees at all levels, creating a collaborative environment where everyone is a valued partner.
Government Policy

Statewide workforce plan drives job quality policy: Michigan

A statewide workforce plan, which outlines a formal vision to create jobs, support workers and employers and guide future programming, procurements and investments, and articulates a focus on achieving the growth of good quality jobs to benefit all residents..
Government Policy

OJT policies that require benefits and trainee/trainer ratios: Yakima County, Washington

An OJT policy that requires the employer provide the Trainee with all benefits provided to other entry-level employees. Workers' compensation or comparable accident or liability insurance coverage for work-related injury or illness is required along with a 1-4 trainee ratio. This includes tracking whether the position is covered by a collective bargaining agreement.