Logic Models

Logic Models

A logic model, often called a theory of change, is a powerful tool to define your desired impact by providing a visual representation of how your efforts will accomplish their intended goal.

Logic models can take lots of different visual forms but common terms include:

Inputs are the resources such as funding, staffing or materials that go into the work

For example, developing an RFP that increases the diversity of responding organizations and the living wages paid to their staff will require allocating staff time to write the materials, deliver technical assistance and participate in the evaluation process.

Activities undertaken to produce desired outcomes. For example, ensuring the procurement will foster job quality for all may require engaging with community organizations prior to issuing a formal procurement to ensure the impacts on equity are being fully considered.

Outputs are the direct, tangible results of activities. For example, this could include the # of respondents from different demographics.

Outcomes are the desired results and are often looked at both as short term and medium term effects.

For example, if the procurement focused on increasing access to quality jobs in the tech sector, a short term outcome might include the increase in the number of diverse participants or hires.

Impact is the direct, intended or unintended change as a result of the effort over the long term. For example, if a procurement focused on increasing access to quality jobs in the tech sector, an impact might be that the wages of tech workers who completed the program is 20% higher than others who did not.

Example of a Logic Model

Think about your logic model as a series of “so that…” questions where your strategy (the actions you will take and the resources you will use) to move your lever accomplish a specific outcome or set of outcomes which ultimately lead you to your goal (impact).

Example Strategy: Use procurement process to implement living wage requirements in the area.

So that....

Outcome: All awardees are paying their employees a living wage (as it was required to win the bid).


Outcome: All respondents have greater awareness of the importance of living wage and its impact on economic mobility of their staff (by reviewing materials provided in RFP).

So that there is a...

Goal: Increase in number or percentage of individuals earning a living wage in the county (Which helps transform the lives of individuals and advances an organization's economic mobility strategy)

For a deep dive on logic models, check out the Kellogg Foundation's Logic Model Guide

👋 Ready to Learn More? Review RFA's webinar on job quality measurement

Use your goals to advance equity

Did you decide how to document your goals? Now you can use your goals to advance equity.