
Key Questions

Do worker earnings, in whatever format they take, contribute to worker well-being?

Base Pay

  • Hourly rate/salary vs. living wage for local area, variance by demographics

  • Percentage of employed individuals with low pay (below living wage)

  • Percentage of employed individuals above the poverty line for family of four

  • Percentage of employed individuals whose annual pay is <$10,000, $10,000-$20,000, $20,000-$30,000, >$30,000 or nominal monthly/hourly earnings of employed individuals by deciles

Are earnings distributed across the organization's/ intervention’s workforce?


  • Demographic gaps in high-wage or low-wage occupations

Base Pay

  • Percentage of frontline workers’ earnings required for basic needs

  • Percentage of full-time employed individuals on federal assistance

What are the current and historical inequities?

Is pay perceived as equitable for the work and fair as compared to others? How does pay compare to the industry?

Base Pay

  • Average wage compared to industry (percentile for industry/occupation)

  • Pay gap between subpopulation groups (e.g., women vs. men)

Profit Share

  • Profit distribution by demographics for current year and historically


  • Bonus criteria for receipt and historical distribution by role and demographics

What impact will the intervention have on the individual? Are there any unintended consequences or disparate impacts?

Do workers need to maintain multiple jobs or take advantage of social services to care for their family or are wages sufficient to support a household?

Are the majority of job opportunities in the organization/intervention low-wage jobs?


  • Percentage of employed individuals working more than one job

Base Pay

  • Percentage of temporary and/or contract worker, as well as breakdowns by role or function


  • Increase in earnings as a result of intervention at a point in time and over a period, broken down by role or function and demographics (intervention may be an effort on the part of workforce entity or employer change)

  • Increase/percentage of funds allocated to roles/programs/organizations with living wages as a result of intervention (intervention may be an effort on the part of workforce entity or employer change)

  • Increase/percentage or number of individuals or organizations educated about living wage for their locality (intervention may be an effort on the part of workforce entity or employer change)

  • Variance in success outcomes (time to placement, wages trends, etc.) for individuals requiring or prioritizing earnings vs. those who do not (at various points in time)

  • Earnings-related employee satisfaction trends by role or function and demographics