Environment and Culture

Key Questions

Do individuals feel that their skills are valued and applied? Is skill development encouraged and rewarded?

Use of Skills

  • Percentage of employed persons who have the opportunity to use their knowledge and skills in their current job

  • Mapping of existing skill sets against skill matrices

  • Frequency/number of recognitions or rewards for skill attainment annually

  • Trends from assessment tools and 360-degree feedback instruments that measure skills and abilities

  • Percentage utilization of coaching tools or resources

Do individuals have autonomy over their work and how it is performed?

Stability and Autonomy

  • Percentage of employed persons whose work experience and job skills would be transferable to another job in the organization or the industry

  • Percentage of employed persons who are able to choose their methods of work, order of work and/or influence their pace of work

  • Percentage of employed persons who can influence decisions that affect their work

Does leadership foster an inclusive, collaborative culture? What are the results?

Sense of Connection

  • Percentage of employed persons who have a good relationship with their supervisors

  • Percentage of employed persons who have a good relationship with their coworkers and colleagues as evidenced by participation in company events, business resource groups, and collaborative projects

  • Participation rates in employer-sponsored events

  • Trends in morale measured through surveys

  • Environment- and culture-related employee satisfaction trends by role or function and demographics

What impact will the intervention have on the individual? Are there any unintended consequences or disparate impacts?

What inequities are present, both current and over time (trends)?


  • Demographic gaps in environment and cultural participation

  • Increase/number of individuals with understanding of environment and culture as a result of intervention (intervention may be an effort on the part of workforce entity or employer change)

  • Increase/percentage of funds allocated to roles/programs/organizations making shifts in environment or culture as a result of intervention (intervention may be an effort on the part of workforce entity or employer change)

  • Increase/percentage or number of individuals educated about inclusive environment and culture (intervention may be an effort on the part of workforce entity or employer change)

  • Variance in success outcomes (time to placement, wages, etc.) for individuals requiring or prioritizing aspects of the environment or culture vs. those who do not (at various points in time)

Are the organization's/project’s purpose, goals and strategic plan clearly defined?

Do employed individuals understand how their role supports the organization's/ project’s goals?

Personal Alignment

  • Gauge of employed individuals' understanding of organization’s purpose, goals and values through survey or focus group

  • Employed individual’s feedback on organization’s purpose goals and values through survey or focus group

  • Tracking trends and alignment in responses to questions such as (1) what does success look like for you personally (in your role)? (2) what does success look like for the team/department? (3) what does success look like for the company? Identify if responses are complementary or conflicting or if there are outliers (see Competing Values Framework [Quinn Model])

Are individual values and goals considered in the development process?

Meaningfulness and Mattering

  • Percentage increase or decrease in individual’s sense that work matters as indicated by a variety of factors such as developing and becoming self, expressing full potential, unity with others, service to others, moral correctness, expressiveness and identification at work and work utility (Source)

  • Measure of cognitive (intellectual sense of how things are connected), affective (sense of importance or value) and motivational (sense of direction) aspects for an individual (Source)


  • Purpose- and meaning-related employee satisfaction trends by role or function and demographics