Leading Practices

  • A policy that provided $1,000 bonuses to 38,000 childcare workers, expanding access to affordable childcare and reducing regulatory barriers for businesses seeking to open or expand childcare services.

  • A policy that provided $1,000 bonuses to 38,000 childcare workers, expanding access to affordable childcare and reducing regulatory barriers for businesses seeking to open or expand childcare services. (Best Start for Kids) .

  • An practice of integrating operations with the TANF program and streamlining WIOA/TANF co-enrollment to allow TANF to cover childcare subsidies for American Job Center customers.

  • San Diego County Working Parent Research - The region’s workforce development board, county elected leaders and the San Diego Foundation have jointly published research and policy positions and host annual convenings to increase investments in the childcare system for working families. These efforts have led to $25,000,000 in American Rescue Plan investments and $10,000,000 in philanthropic funds to support new partnerships for workplace-sponsored childcare for working families.

  • A policy allowing employees to bring infants to work, reducing turnover, absenteeism and increasing job satisfaction.

  • Patagonia Onsite Child Care Program - The company provides onsite childcare for working caregivers and has published a book to make the case that on-site childcare for working families is at the heart of responsible business today.

  • Indiana Stamp and Sign Works (IN) Childcare Subsidy Program - This family-owned manufacturing company pays 33% of childcare costs for employees’ babies up to 12 months as a retention benefit for new parents. The only requirement is that parents choose a center that is rated as a level 3 or higher in Paths to QUALITY, the state’s voluntary quality rating and improvement system for childcare.

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