Partners and Experts
Jobs for the Future (JFF) This organization aims to achieve equitable economic advancement for all through the incubation of creative approaches. It is a useful resource for job quality policy perspectives and pilot opportunities. Josh Copus, Senior Director ([email protected])
Urban Institute The Urban Institute is a nonprofit research organization that provides data and evidence to help advance upward mobility and equity, including all aspects of job quality such as benefits. Gina Adams, Director, Low-Income Working Families and Kids in Context ([email protected])
Bright Hive Bright Hive is a government consulting partner with tools and services to build data maturity and measurement capabilities across agencies and data sets. Matt Gee, President & CEO ([email protected])
Working Metrics Working Metrics is a data analytics platform that helps users improve business decisions and results through job quality insights. Larry Schlang, Founder & CEO ([email protected])
Good Jobs Institute Good Jobs Institute focuses on helping companies thrive by creating good jobs and redefining what it means to be successful. It is a useful resource for business-focused toolkits and templates related to job quality, with a particular focus on business performance and competitiveness. Sarah Kalloch, Co-Founder & CTO ([email protected])
ICF ICF is a consulting organization that helps public-sector health, education, and human services organizations improve performance and processes. Adele Soto, Senior Workforce Development Consultant ([email protected])
The Workforce Benchmarking Network This network supports better and more equitable outcomes from community-based programs, through a national data survey, capacity building and peer learning around effective practices. Megan Elyse Williams, Director of Research and Evaluation ([email protected])
Lightcast Lightcast is a fee-based labor market data database. It can serve as an important resource in assessing needs and trends in your local area. Matt Walsh, Research Lead ([email protected])
Results for America Results for America focuses on helping decision-makers at all levels of government harness the power of evidence and data to solve our world's greatest challenges. It is a great resource for leading practices, toolkits and related resources to infuse evidence into workforce development. Celeste Richie, Vice President, Workforce ([email protected])
Jewish Vocational Services A service delivery organization with extensive experience in workforce development, Jewish Vocational Services has created a job quality benchmarking tool useful for business services teams and/or their employers. Susan Buckey, Director of Employer Engagement at JVS Boston ([email protected])

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