Partners and Experts
American Institute for Full Employment This institute conducts leading research, studies best practices and develops practical solutions in the areas of unemployment insurance, workforce development, retirement income and public assistance. It is a useful resource for policy and program design and implementation. John W. Courtney, President ([email protected])
All-In Cities | PolicyLink The All-In Cities initiative at PolicyLink accelerates the work of government leaders and community advocates to advance racial inclusion and equitable growth. It is a useful resource for policy research, data, capacity building and technical assistance. Michael McAfee, President & CEO ([email protected])
Economic Policy Institute The Economic Policy Institute provides an overview and research on the latest labor standards enforcement. Terri Gerstein, Senior Fellow ([email protected])
National Employment Law Project An advocacy organization that provides legal and policy solutions, research, capacity-building, and communications. Extensive work around living wages and existing ordinances. Rebecca Dixon, Executive Director ([email protected])
UC Berkley Labor Center The UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education (Labor Center) is a public service and outreach program of the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment. Enrique Lopezlira, Director, Low-Wage Work Program ([email protected])

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